[NA] IronOxide |2X|BiWeekly|Enhanced PvPvE|Isla Nublar|

IronOxide is dedicated to bring you both a better PvP and PvE experience, here is how:

2X everything including quarry mining, except Sulfur which is kept at 1X

50% Reduced crafting and Smelting times

50% Decay Reduction

2-4X Stacking for everything except Weapons

Enhanced loot tables (Loot Table & Stacksize GUI)

NPC Raidable Bases & Dangerous Treasures

Bradley Guards, Paratroopers, Airfield Drops, HeliRefuel

Unlimited Shop Stock

Recyclers at every monument

50% Vehicle Decay Reduction near TC

50% more expensive to Offline Raid players

Event Messages

And more!

Generic Server Info:


    Group limit: 3 (Subject to change)

    Bi-Weekly Map Wipe:

    Wiped 8/18/22

    Next Wipe 9/1/22

    No BP Wipe

    ServerArmour Server Protection

    45min Day, 5min Night

    Daily Restarts at 5am EST

    Active Staff

    Not-for-profit, most/all donations/contributions are used for upkeep and additional content!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/tesuZ5CtJ8